Today was my first day of school and -of course- I was super nervous and excited. I had to wake up at 6 o' clock... ;_; After breakfast we packed my stuff in my school bag (which is part of my school uniform, so everbody has the same) and went to school by car (rain... yay ._.). I have to admit that my school uniform is super uncomfortable and too warm, I hope I will get used to it. ^ ^" When we arrived at school, I was told that I will not participate in the lessons until next week. But in the afternoon the teachers changed my schedule again and I will start lessons tomorrow. I will also have PE tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I will die, because it's just too hot here... ^ ^" Even when I just sit down doing nothing it's too hot (because I have to wear a shirt underneath my blouse... But rules are rules :D). After some talking my host mother went home and I should study Japanese in the library. But after half an hour she came back and gave me my sportshoes and my indoor-slippers. We also went to a photographer to take some photos for my school ID. Back in school I though I should study Japanese in the library, but there was a first class (so 10. grade in Germany) in there, so I just joined them. :D Everybody was super excited about this and they tried to speak English with me. The conversation went surprisingly well, it was a strange English-Japanese-Mix, but it worked. :D Of course we only talked about the really important things in life: Food and if I have a boyfriend (I tried to explain rice pudding, but I don't think they got it ^ ^"). Because we are not allowed to bring our mobile phones to school (and the school is really strict (like super strict) about this) I couldn't give them my phone number when they asked... :x
After this lesson one of the teachers (I should know his name, but I can't remember... Too many names to memorise right now ~.~) took me with him to one of his lessons, so we went to the gym together. On this weekend the sportsfestival and the school (or culture) festival will take place, so everybody is practicing right now. So I watched them dancing a really funny dance (apparently every student have to perform this dance on the sportsfestival :D).
After this I got some of my books (the English book is called "Unicorn" ❤). I ate lunch together with Molly, she is a Language Assistant for English at my school. After lunch everybody is cleaning the school and both of us felt a bit useless because we didn't have a real task. But because of us and some other students the room was cleaner than before!
About 4 o' clock in the afternoon my host mother picked me up from school and we went home.
So my first day of Japanese school ended and I have to say I'm really happy to be here and to have the chance to experience the Japanese school life!
Pictures will follow, I'm just too tired at the moment...
See you again!
Anna :*
Hallo ^o^ Ich bin Anna, 17 Jahre und derzeit (2015/16) verbringe ich ein Austauschjahr in Miyakonojo, Japan. Hier gehe ich auf eine japanische High School und lebe in einer Gastfamilie. Alles in allem lebe ich ein ganz normales Leben~ Auf diesem Blog teile ich meine Erfahrungen mit euch, so regelmäßig wie möglich. Wenn ihr Fragen habt, schreibt mir ruhig. (^^)
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